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A protocol for reaching equilibrium arbitrary fast in systems coupled with heat baths
##manager.scheduler.building##: Edificio San Alberto Magno Auditorio Santa Cecilia
Date: 2019-07-08 06:30 PM – 06:45 PM
Last modified: 2019-06-10
In this talk, we present a protocol,named Engineered Swift Equilibration (ESE), that shortcuts time-consuming relaxations, in systems coupled with an heat bath.
Indeed when a control parameter of a system is suddenly changed, the accessible phase space changes too and the system needs its characteristic relaxation time to reach the final equilibrium distribution. An important and relevant question is whether it is possible to travel from an equilibrium state to another in an arbitrary time, much shorter than the natural relaxation time.
Such strategies are reminiscent of those worked out in Shortcut to Adiabaticity (STA) that aims at developing protocols, both in quantum and in classical regimes, allowing the system to move as fast as possible from one equilibrium position to a new one, provided that there exist an adiabatic transformation relating the two.
ESE can be viewed as an extension of STA to open systems.
We tested experimentally this protocol on Brownian particles trapped in an optical potential first and then on an AFM cantilever. We show that applying a specific driving, one can reach equilibrium in an arbitrary short time. We also estimate the energetic cost to get such a time reduction. We discuss here new results on the feasibility of ESE and of its stability to external perturbations
Beyond its fundamental interest, the ESE method paves the way for applications in micro and nano
devices, in high speed AFM, or in monitoring mesoscopic chemical or biological process.
(1) Engineered Swift Equilibration, Ignacio A Martinez; Artyom Petrosyan; David Guery-Odelin;
Emmanuel Trizac; Sergio Ciliberto, Nature Physics, Vol 12, 843 (2016).
(2) Arbitrary fast modulation of an atomic force microscope, Anne Le Cunuder; Ignacio A Martinez; Artyom Petrosyan; David Gury-Odelin; Emmanuel Trizac; Sergio Ciliberto. Applied Physics Letters, 109, 113502 (2016)
(3) Engineered swift equilibration for Brownian objects: from
underdamped to overdamped dynamics Marie Chupeau , Sergio Ciliberto, David Guéry-Odelin, and Emmanuel Trizac, New J. Phys. 20, 075003 (2018).
(4) Thermal bath engineering for swift equilibration,
Marie Chupeau,1 Benjamin Besga, David Guéry-Odelin, Emmanuel Trizac, Artyom Petrosyan, and Sergio Ciliberto, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 98, 010104(R) (2018).
Indeed when a control parameter of a system is suddenly changed, the accessible phase space changes too and the system needs its characteristic relaxation time to reach the final equilibrium distribution. An important and relevant question is whether it is possible to travel from an equilibrium state to another in an arbitrary time, much shorter than the natural relaxation time.
Such strategies are reminiscent of those worked out in Shortcut to Adiabaticity (STA) that aims at developing protocols, both in quantum and in classical regimes, allowing the system to move as fast as possible from one equilibrium position to a new one, provided that there exist an adiabatic transformation relating the two.
ESE can be viewed as an extension of STA to open systems.
We tested experimentally this protocol on Brownian particles trapped in an optical potential first and then on an AFM cantilever. We show that applying a specific driving, one can reach equilibrium in an arbitrary short time. We also estimate the energetic cost to get such a time reduction. We discuss here new results on the feasibility of ESE and of its stability to external perturbations
Beyond its fundamental interest, the ESE method paves the way for applications in micro and nano
devices, in high speed AFM, or in monitoring mesoscopic chemical or biological process.
(1) Engineered Swift Equilibration, Ignacio A Martinez; Artyom Petrosyan; David Guery-Odelin;
Emmanuel Trizac; Sergio Ciliberto, Nature Physics, Vol 12, 843 (2016).
(2) Arbitrary fast modulation of an atomic force microscope, Anne Le Cunuder; Ignacio A Martinez; Artyom Petrosyan; David Gury-Odelin; Emmanuel Trizac; Sergio Ciliberto. Applied Physics Letters, 109, 113502 (2016)
(3) Engineered swift equilibration for Brownian objects: from
underdamped to overdamped dynamics Marie Chupeau , Sergio Ciliberto, David Guéry-Odelin, and Emmanuel Trizac, New J. Phys. 20, 075003 (2018).
(4) Thermal bath engineering for swift equilibration,
Marie Chupeau,1 Benjamin Besga, David Guéry-Odelin, Emmanuel Trizac, Artyom Petrosyan, and Sergio Ciliberto, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 98, 010104(R) (2018).