Open Conference Systems, DDAYS LAC 2024 Main Conference

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Morphological characterisation of Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS aggregates for bioremediation processes
Andrea Soledad Gotting, M. Alejandra Daniel, Natalia Beraha, Diana L. Vullo, M. Florencia Carusela

Last modified: 2024-11-28


The process of bacterial aggregation that remains in suspension has already been described as a third microbial lifestyle, together with planktonic growth and biofilms. Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS is a microorganism native to the polluted Reconquista River in Argentina. This strain is able to aggregate, develop biofilms and biosorb metals, secreting biosurfactants and exopolymeric substances, properties that contribute to its application in the design of sustainable environmental biotechnologies, such as bioreactors. The aim of this work was to study the self-aggregation kinetics of P. extremaustralis 2E-UNGS using a combination of theoretical modelling and experimental approaches for its potential application in the design of improved biotreatments, especially of galvanic effluents.

Kinetics was studied by means of brightfield microscopy imaging and the use of FIJI® software for subsequent digital analysis. A dispersion of the size and morphological characteristics of the cell aggregates as a function of time was obtained. In addition, a physical model based on self-assembled 2D micelle dispersions was used to describe the energetic cost of the aggregation process [1]. The contrast of numerical and experimental results shed light on some of the mechanisms underlying the bacterial aggregation phenomenon, useful for biotechnological applications.


[1] Daniel, M. A., Gotting, A. S., Beraha, N., Malgaretti, P., Carusela, M. F., & Vullo, D. L. (2024). Combined theoretical and experimental approaches for bacterial aggregation studies towards the improvement of bioremediation processes. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 1-13.