Plenary talks
Experimental evidence of nonlinear scenario of transition to turbulence | |
José Eduardo WESFREID |
What do we mean when we say, “it smells like flowers”? | |
Guillermo Cecchi |
Fluid Transport in the Third Ventricle of the Mammalian Brain | |
Eberhard Bodenschatz |
Stability of power grids concerning strong perturbations - tropical cyclones and increasing resilience | |
Juergen Kurths |
Water: Anomalies at Nanoscale | |
Marcia Barbosa |
Neuronal Scaling in the Mouse Visual Cortex During a Visual Recognition Task | |
Mauro Copelli |
A unique coding of memory in the human brain | |
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga |
Interplay between rumor-spreading and social behavior: a complex network approach | |
Silvio Costa Ferreira |
The role of indirect transmision in an epidemiological model of sarcoptic mange in South American camelids | |
Guillermo Abramson |
Phase Transitions in Swarmalators | |
Hilda A Cerdeira |
Can Symmetry Describe Biological Complexity? | |
Hernan Makse |
Characterizing and detecting critical transitions using nonlinear data analysis tools | |
Cristina Masoller |
Musical Synchronization and the Mystery of Swing in Jazz | |
Theo Geisel |
Climate network analysis methods and results: El Niño, La Niña and Tropical Cyclones. | |
Neelima Madhukar Gupte |
A 1$ hardware model of a spiking neuron with a memristive voltage-gated channel | |
Marcelo Rozenberg |
Engineering rich dynamics in living neuronal networks: from activity patterns to criticality | |
Jordi Soriano-Fradera |
Localized dissipative vortices in chiral nematic liquid crystal cells | |
Marcel Clerc |
Emergence of innovations and accumulation of culture in Hunter-gatherer populations | |
Jesus Gomez-Gardenes |
Deep Learning Architectures for Science and Engineering | |
J. Nathan Kutz |
Relevance of time scales for evolutionary dynamics | |
David Soriano-Paños |
The transition to synchronization of networked dynamical systems | |
Stefano Boccaletti |
Crowd Synchrony and Heterogeneous Oscillators: From Huygens to Frequency Combs | |
Rajarshi Roy |
Redshift: causality, determinism, reversibility, irreversibility, an Art & Science demonstration of time reversal | |
Jean Marc Chomaz |
Advances in Climate Simulation and Nonlinear System Dynamics | |
Pedro DiNezio |
General and mathematical aspects
Study of phase diagram for the two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with dipolar interactions | |
Paula Silvina Pagliaro, Marisa Alejandra Bab, Gustavo Pablo Saracco |
Pablo Antonio Grizzi, Gustavo Pablo Saracco, Marisa Alejandra Bab |
Out-of-equilibrium aspects
Mean-field solution of the neural dynamics in a Greenberg-Hastings model with excitatory and inhibitory units | |
Joaquin Almeira, Tomas S. Grigera, Daniel A. Martin, Dante R. Chialvo, Sergio A. Cannas |
Thermal transport along a nanogap: a non equilibrium harmonic model. | |
Agustin Matias Mancardo Viotti, Edgar Alejamdro Bea, Maria Florencia Carusela, Alejandro Gabriel Monastra |
Spin dynamics in PAdd6 nematic liquid crystal: quantum treatment of the environment degrees of freedom | |
Juan Agustin Taboada, Ricardo Zamar |
Spherical Clusters of Magnetic Monodomain Nanoparticles: Effects of Dipolar Interactions on Hysteresis Loops | |
Mauro Alan Pérsico, Gustavo Pablo Saracco, Marisa Alejandra Bab |
Gustavo Pablo Saracco, Marisa Alejandra Bab |
Exploring the Influence of Shape Anisotropy on the Dynamics of 2D Arrays of Uniaxial Magnetic Nanoparticles | |
Carla María Soprano, Marisa Alejandra Bab, Gustavo Pablo Saracco |
Effects of degree fluctuations and threshold noise on the dynamical critical exponents of the ferromagnetic Ising model | |
Leonardo dos Santos Ferreira, Fernando Metz |
Biological physics
Vagal tone echoes on the brain-sensed strength of single heartbeats | |
Diego Candia-Rivera, Mario Chavez |
Dynamic Interactions Between Mitochondria and the Cytoskeleton: Impacts on Organelle Shape and Transport | |
Luciana Bruno, Agustina Belén Fernández Casafuz, Azul María Brigante, María Cecilia De Rossi, Valeria Levi, Alejandro Gabriel Monastra |
Cell information processing via frequency encoding and excitability. | |
Alan Matías Givré |
Statistical theory of mobile oscillators | |
Luis G. Morelli |
Oscillations in signaling cascades lead to damped and sustained bursting | |
Juan Ignacio Marrone, Jacques-Alexandre Sepulchre, Alejandra C. Ventura |
Morphological characterisation of Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS aggregates for bioremediation processes | |
Andrea Soledad Gotting, M. Alejandra Daniel, Natalia Beraha, Diana L. Vullo, M. Florencia Carusela |
Methods for inferring force patterns acting on semiflexible filaments | |
Alejandro G. Monastra, Anael Zurdo, Agustina Fernandez Casafuz, Azul Brigante, Julieta Wenger, María Cecilia De Rossi, Mariela Sued, Marina Valdora, Luciana Bruno |
Differential contraction among active rings a route to segregation | |
Leonardo Gregory Brunnet, Leonardo Gregory Brunnet, Emanuel Fortes Teixeira, Carine Priscila Beatrici, Heitor Marques Fernandes |
Crosstalk between Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Pluripotency through Gene Regulatory Networks | |
Daniela Senra, Luis Diambra, Nara Guisoni |
Perspectives on the Control of Populations of Neural Oscillators | |
Jeff Moehlis |
Low dimensional neural dynamics underlying the generation of rhythmic vocal behavior in songbirds | |
Fiamma L. Leites, Cecilia T. Herbert, Felipe I. Cignoli, Gabriel B. Mindlin, Ana Amador |
From Individual-Based Models to Mean-Field Equations: Non-Linear Cross-Diffusion in a Three-Species Predator-Prey System | |
Daniela Lioren Suarez, María Fabiana Laguna, Nara Cristina Guisoni |
Frequency preference responses can emerge from transient dynamics in pulsatile cell signalling events | |
Candela Lucia Szischik, Juliana Reves Szemere, Rocío Balderrama, Constanza Sánchez de la Vega, Alejandra Cristina Ventura |
Rhythms, Scaling and Machine Learning of Waking-Sleep States from Human iEEG | |
Juan Martín Tenti |
Reintroducing Lost Birdsong: Synthetic Vocal Tutors for Wild Juveniles | |
Roberto Andres Bistel Esquivel, Ana Amador, Gabriel Mindlin |
Physical constraints in avian respiration | |
Facundo Fainstein, Sebastián M. Geli, Ana Amador, Franz Goller, Gabriel B. Mindlin |
Memristive Hardware Neural Networks | |
Leandro Ezequiel Fernandez, Marcelo Rozemberg, Gabriel Bernardo Mindlin |
In search of the lost sync: non-linearly coupled oscillators’ response to an external driving | |
Marcos Wappner |
Exploring mitochondrial dynamics through images and models | |
Agustina Fernandez Casafuz, Azul Brigante, María Cecilia De Rossi, Valeria Levi, Alejandro Monastra, Luciana Bruno |
Title: Regulation by Competition in Cellular Signaling and Gene Expression: Kinetic Strategies | |
Manuel Alberto Dichio Suarez, Candela Szischik, Alejandra C Ventura |
Mathematical Models of the spread and prevention of infectious disease | |
Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco |
Computational modelling of memory coding with a dynamic neural network | |
Marta Boscaglia, Chiara Gastaldi, Wulfram Gerstner, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga |
Modeling and experimental approaches of bacterial aggregation: the case of Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS | |
Natalia Beraha, Alejandra Daniel, Andrea Gotting, Diana Vullo, Florencia Carusela |
Soft matter
Construction of an enclosure for the study of pressure in evacuations of self-propelled particles | |
Matias Ramdan Ferressini, Nicolas Jose Colantuono, German Aguistin Patterson |
Transport properties of electrolytes in corrugated microchannels. | |
María Florencia Carusela |
Emergent Motility-Induced Phase Separation in Active Particle Rings: Effects of Rigidity and Polarity | |
Emanuel Fortes Teixeira, Pablo de Castro, Carine Priscila Beatrici, Heitor Carpes Marques Fernandes, Leonardo Gregory Brunnet |
Water-Methanol Separation via Graphene Nanotubes: Impact of Radius on Transport Efficiency | |
Santiago Mosca, Carlos Manuel Carlevaro, Enrique Lomba García |
Probing wetting properties with self-propelled droplets. | |
Bernardo Boatini, Cristina Gavazzoni, Leonardo Gregory Brunnet, Carolina Brito |
Heat flow through a liquid-vapor interface in a nano-channel: the effect of fixing polymers in a wall | |
Claudio Pastorino |
Collective behavior of Self-Propelled Particles: Influence of Leadership on Decision-Making | |
German Agustin Patterson |
Nonlinear physics
Directed transport and scaling laws in a nontwist Hamiltonian mapping | |
Matheus Rolim Sales |
A Lie symmetry approach for computing the general solution for travelling waves of the generalized Calogero–Bogoyavlenskii–Schiff equation | |
Afonso Willian Nunes, Adrián Ruiz, Beltrán de la Flor, Samuel da Silva |
The effect of local dynamics on the phase synchronization process in a neuron network | |
Emanuel Barbosa Sant Anna Cambraia |
Local shearless curves triggered by isochronous resonant perturbations | |
Bruno Borges Leal |
Exploring the unpredictable: Understanding basins of attraction in delayed systems | |
Arturo C Marti, Juan Pedro Tarigo, Cecilia Stari |
Bistability and mosaic-shrimps structures in the Gissinger model | |
Arnold Alonso Alvarez, Eduardo Brugnago, Iberê Caldas |
Hyperchaos, Arnold tongues, and shrimps in a model of predator-induced reproductive response in prey population | |
Marina Soares Bittencourt, Eduardo Luís Brugnago, Zwinglio de Oliveira Guimarães Filho, Iberê Luiz Caldas, Adriane Reis Brugnago |
Front Propagation in a Bistable Optical Chain with Nonreciprocal Coupling | |
Manuel Benjamin Díaz-Zúñiga, Pedro Aguilera Rojas, Marcel Clerc |
Recurrence Microstates Combined with Machine Learning Techniques for Dynamical Systems Classification | |
Giovana Spader Spezzatto, João Vitor Flauzino, Gilberto Corso, Bruno Boaretto, Elbert Macau, Thiago de Lima Prado, Sergio Roberto Lopes |
Manipulable Q-plate with negative topological charges: characterization of emerges of defects. | |
Luciano Carlos Toro Rojas |
From Dynamics to Behavior: An Excitable Model for Reconstructing Respiratory Gestures of Birdsong | |
Agustin Carpio Andrada, Bernardo Gabriel Mindlin |
Pattern formation in superconductors with nematic phases | |
Ramiro Sebastián Severino |
Analysis of Mutual Information in Neuronal Rhythms for the Identification of Preictal States in Epilepsy Patients | |
Monserrat Pallares Di Nunzio |
MHD convection in rotating spherical shell | |
Juan Cruz Gonzalez Sembla |
Nonlocal self-organization of a dissipative system | |
Jaime Andrés Clark Pinto, Laura Morales, Sergio Rica, Juan Alejandro Valdivia |
Experimental evidence of a strange nonchaotic attractor with extreme events in a Nd:YVO4 laser with saturable absorber. | |
Juliana Bourdieu, Myriam E Nonaka, Mónica B Agüero, Alejandro A Hnilo, Marcelo G Kovalsky |
Interdisciplinary and complex systems
Analysis of vaccination strategies for COVID-19 based on complex networks | |
Carlos Miguel Moreira Gonçalves, Leandro Chaves Rêgo, Pablo Ignacio Fierens |
Point process analysis of geographical diffusion of news in Argentina | |
Lucio Lorenzo Garcia, Giulio Tirabassi, Cristina Masoller, Pablo Balenzuela |
Dynamics of word communities | |
Alejandro Jorge Pardo Pintos, Marcos Trevisan, Diego Edgar Shalom, Gabriel Mindlin |
Turing patterns in a biosynthetic circuit | |
Luis Diambra, Nara Guisoni |
Vaccination strategies though complex small world networks | |
Fernando Ezequiel Cornes, Guillermo Alberto Frank, Claudio Oscar Dorso |
Analyzing user ideologies and shared news during the 2019 argentinian elections | |
Sofia Morena del Pozo |
Attraction by pairwise coherence explains the emergence of ideological sorting | |
Pablo Balenzuela |
Can Fomites Act as Outbreak Triggers? A Mean-Field Analysis of Indirect Transmission Dynamics | |
Tomás Ignacio González, María Fabiana Laguna, Guillermo Abramson |
Mathematical model for Aedes aegypti populations in temperate climates incorporating the diapause mechanism | |
Lucas Ernesto Alonso |
A Multi-Dimensional Agent-Based Model of Opinion Dynamics: Analyzing Polarization and Issue Alignment | |
Favio Augusto Di Ciocco |
Combined study of the efficiency and robustness of the public transport network | |
Tomas Cicchini, Ariel Salgado, Leonardo Ermann, Ines Caridi |
Reducing Inequality through Risk Control in the Yard-Sale Model | |
Lautaro Giordano |
Quantifying Decisiveness and Complexity in Chess Players' Decision-Making | |
Andres Chacoma |
Polarization without negative influence in a simple persuasive argument theory model. | |
Lucía Inés Pedraza, Nicolás Saintier, Celia Anteneodo, Juan Pablo Pinasco, Pablo Balenzuela |
Network topologies able to permanently recall a transient stimulation | |
Federico Sevlever, Ariel Waisman, Alejandra Cristina Ventura |
Graph Neural Networks for Gene-Disease prioritization | |
Ingrid Heuer, Ariel Chernomoretz |
Ideal gas law for a quantum particle | |
Alejandro M.F. Rivas, Gabriel G. Carlo, Leonardo Ermann, Eduardo G. Vergini |
Impact of Incubation Time Distributions on Epidemic Model Predictions | |
Eric Alejandro Rozan |
Accelerating Drug Repurposing Through Network Analysis and Protein Embeddings | |
Ariel Chernomoretz |
Symmetry Breaking in Chemical Systems: Engineering Complexity through Self-Organization and Marangoni Flows | |
Azam Gholami |
Quantization Phenomenon in a 2-Dim Sznajd Model | |
Nicolás Elías Amado, Marcos Enrique Gaudiano, Jorge Alberto Revelli |
Mapping the complexity in an opinion formation model. | |
Jorge Alberto Revelli, Nicolás Elías Amado, Marcos Enrique Gaudiano |
On the application of visibility graphs in the spectral domain for speaker recognition | |
Hernan Bocaccio, Gabriel Mindlin |
One predator and two prey: Coexistence of pumas, guanacos and sheep in Patagonia | |
Jhordan Silveira de Borba, Sebastián Gonçalves |
Analysis of social behavior in mice using calcium imaging of neurons | |
Hellen Cristina da Costa, Thiago de Lima Prado, Cláudio da Cunha |
Evaluating the Relationship Between News Sharing and Political Beliefs | |
Sebastián Pinto |
Coevolution of cooperative lifestyles and low cancer incidence in mammals | |
Julian Maxwell |
Improved performance of emergency evacuations by means of moving automata | |
Guillermo Frank, Claudio Dorso |
Diversity levels in residential segregation through random walkers | |
Victoria Arcón, Inés Caridi |
Scientific Machine Learning for Whole Brain Dynamics | |
Germán Abrevaya |
Norma Felicidade Lopes da Silva Valencio |
Exploring 2-dimensional seed dispersion with animal-driven transport and delay effects | |
Laila Kazimierski, David Shneider, Guillermo Abramson |
Drivers of Land Use Change in the Face of SDG11 Challenges: The Brazilian Case | |
Gabriel Gomes De Carvalho |
Dynamic Analysis of a Ricardian Economy with Inter-Industry Wage Variations | |
Ignacio Cortés |
Time varying parameters and pharmacokinetics in Whole Brain Models | |
Juan Ignacio Piccinini, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Carla Pallavicini, Enzo Tagliazucchi |
Non-Markovian effects on opinion formation models | |
Celia Anteneodo, Allan Vieira, Sara Oliver-Bonafoux, Jaume Llabrés, Raúl Toral |
Confrontation of Opinions in Wikipedia Networks Using the Ising Network Opinion Formation Model | |
Leonardo Ermann |
Does a rising tide lift all boats? A wealth exchange model on a dynamic network with economic growth | |
Gustavo Luis Kohlrausch, Sebastián Gonçalves |
Astrocytes network connectivity: the how, the when and the wherefore | |
Maria Victoria Rosato-Siri, Martin Onetto, Laura F Morales |
Hysteresis Parameter Estimation Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks | |
Estevão Fuzaro de Almeida, Samuel da Silva |
Enhancing Brain State Classification Using Recurrence Microstates and Machine Learning | |
jorge vinicius malosti da silveira |
Patient transfer adaptation through a crisis: The dynamics of a Hospitals Network during the COVID-19 pandemic | |
Tomas Cicchini, Ariel Salgado, Lisandro Otero, Silvia Kochen, Mariano Goldman, Leonardo Boechi, Ines Caridi |
Dynamics of neural networks of exhitatory and inhibitory neurons | |
Valentin Agullo, Martina Acevedo |
Enhancing Real-Time Air Quality Modeling: A Machine Learning Approach to Downscale WRF-Chem | |
Lucas Luciano Berná, Rafael Pedro Fernandez, Emmanuel Nicolas Millan, Enrique Puliafito |
Effect of Space and Mobility in the Spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma with Reinforcement Learning | |
Gustavo Cavichion Mangold |
Transformers Architecture on Path Integration of Grid Cells | |
Mateus Guimaraes |
Deep Generative Models Approaches the Ising Model | |
Pedro Henrique Mendes |
The constructive role of transient chaos | |
Ulrike Feudel |
Planning the Electric Vehicle Transition by Integrating Spatial Information and Social Networks | |
Marta Gonzalez |
Kuramoto model with broken rotational symmetry | |
Rene Medrano |
On the application of visibility graphs in the spectral domain for speaker recognition | |
Hernan Bocaccio, Sergio Iglesias-Perez, Miguel Romance, Regino Criado, Gabriel Mindlin |
Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Neuronal Dynamics in Alzheimer's Disease: An Information Theory Perspective | |
Federico Miceli, Mauro Granado, Marcelo A Montemurro, Fernando Montani |
High-Resolution iEEG Reveals Key Periodicities and Nonlinear Dynamics in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy | |
Mauro Granado, Nataniel Martinez, Federico Miceli, Fernando Montani |
Receptive Field Modeling in V1 Visual Cortex: Plastic Restoration after Lesion Induction | |
Natalì Guisande, Fernando Montani |
Paths out of informality: using network science and household surveys to study job transitions | |
Ariel Olaf Salgado, Qixin Lin, Angelica Calle, Oscar Lopez Mendez, Ryan Yost |
Applications of the Rényi Entropy-Complexity Causality Space to Dynamical Systems | |
Natalí Guisande, Fernando Montani |
A multiscale framework for analyzing traffic congestion through infection spreading dynamics | |
Ariel Olaf Salgado, Aparimit Kasliwal, Abdullah Alhadlaq, Auroop Ratan Ganguly, Marta C. Gonzalez |
Stability and criticality of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with heterogeneous temperatures via random matrix theory | |
Leonardo dos Santos Ferreira, Fernando Metz, Paolo Barucca |
Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics
Study of Lu-Hamilton solar flares with complex networks | |
Alejandro Ignacio Zamorano, Víctor Muñoz, Denisse Pastén, Laura Morales |
Hamiltonian map for guiding center orbits in tokamak plasmas | |
Lucas Nedeff Assub Amaral |
Experimental evidence of conformal invariance in water-wave turbulence | |
Manuel Noseda |
Reduced Representations of Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Flows via Autoencoders | |
Melisa Yael Vinograd, Patricio Clark di Leoni |
On the relevance of two-way coupling on charged particle energization | |
Facundo Leonel Pugliese |
Arturo Olvera, Claudia Giordano |
Energy balance in a microfluidic hotspot cooling heat sink | |
Lucas Gabriel Chej, Florencia Carusela, Alejandro Monastra |
Turbulence and pattern formation in Rotating Bose-Einstein condensates | |
Julian Amette Estrada |
Transition to turbulence in Rayleigh-Benard flows | |
Patricio Clark Di Leoni |
The Energy Cascade Rate in Supersonic, Isothermal, and Compressible Turbulence | |
Gonzalo Javier Alvarez |
Effect of local flow geometry on particle pair dispersion angle | |
Bernardo Luciano Español |
Observational and Numerical Evidence of the 1/f Spectrum in Pristine Solar Wind Turbulence | |
Maia Brodiano, Facundo Pugliese, Davide Manzini, Nahuel Andrés, Lina Hadid, Fouad sahraoui, Pablo Dmitruk |
Geometrical Properties of Deterministically Driven Avalanche Models of Solar Flares | |
Matias Kychenthal |
Bounds to the Basset-Boussinesq force on particle laden stratified flows | |
Christian Reartes |
Magnetic reversals in a geodynamo model with a stably-stratified layer | |
Nicolás Pablo Müller |
Collective effects of ice objects melting in fresh water | |
Sofía Angriman, Detlef Lohse, Roberto Verzicco, Sander G. Huisman |
Dynamics of the Self Sustaining Process in the transition to turbulence in Couette-Poiseuille flow. | |
Manuel Etchevest, Pablo Dmitruk, Supriya Karmakar, Tao Liu, Benoit Semin, Ramiro Godoy-Diana, José Eduardo Wesfreid |
Machine Learning algorithms for analyzing the relationship between disasters and welfare policies | |
Renata Ribeiro dos Santos, Norma Felicidade Lopes da Silva Valencio, Heloisa de Arruda Camargo |
Vortex crystals in rotating classical flows | |
Gabriel Marchetti |
Study of Clear Air Turbulence from high resolution aircraft measurements | |
paola rodriguez imazio |
Weather Regimes and Chaos Topology | |
Marco Micieli |
Symposium: Understanding economic inequality
How Risk and Networks Shape Wealth Distribution: Findings from the Yard-Sale Model | |
Fabiana Laguna |
Economic Inequality between Groups in an a priori Stratified Society | |
Thiago Dias |
Effectiveness of tax systems in reducing inequality | |
The Dynamics of Inequality and Wealth Redistribution | |
Jose Roberto Iglesias |
Symposium: Anisotropic avanlanche models for solar flares
Chaotic diffusion in a triaxial galactic model: an example of global stable chaos | |
Pablo Miguel Cincotta |
Field Theory Methods for Non-Newtonian and Relativistic Turbulence | |
Esteban Calzetta |
Complex networks and community structure approach to the study of geomagnetic field measurements | |
Victor Munoz, Sebastián de la Maza |
Anisotropic avalanche model for solar flares | |
Laura Fernanda Morales |
Symposium: Nonlinear analysis and applications in complex systems
From Chaos to Hyperchaos in High Dimension CryptoSystems | |
Fabiano Ferrari |
New Perspectives in Recurrence Microstates and Maximum Entropy Analysis | |
Thiago de Lima Prado |
Finite-Time Recurrence Entropy to detect stickiness in a Hamiltonian System | |
José Danilo Szezech Junior |
Spatio-temporal correlations in optogenetic data | |
Sabrina Camargo |
Symposium: Inertial particles in turbulent environments
Self-organization and patterns in particle laden atmospheric flows | |
Pablo Daniel Mininni |
83 years after the seminal work by Kolmogorov the statistics of turbulent velocity fluctuations remain a riddle | |
Eberhard Bodenschatz |
Clustering and gravitational settling of droplets in different turbulent flows | |
Martin Obligado |
Turbulence Unsteadiness Drives Extreme Clustering | |
Florencia Zapata |
Symposium: Collective systems under different boundary conditions
The role of rotational motion on energy transfer and dissipation in the collision of a faceted particle with a flat surface | |
María Alejandra Aguirre, Fabricio Éric Fernández, Roman Gustavo Martino, Alejandro Boschan, Marcelo Fabián Piva |
Flow Characteristics of Self-Propelled and Actively Deformable Particles | |
Daniel Ricardo Parisi, Lucas Wiebke |
Granular damper: a design with quasi-constant dissipation | |
María Victoria Ferreyra, Kevin Gabriel Tomás, Ramiro Eloy Suarez, Julián María Gómez-Paccapelo, Luis Ariel Pugnaloni |
Granular collective dynamics driven by friction | |
Diego Maza |
Symposium: Neuronal synchronization and brain collective behavior
Unstable dimension variability and riddled basins of chaotic synchronization | |
Ricardo Luiz Viana |
Neural oscillations, synchronization and rhythms in birdsong | |
Ana Amador, Fiamma L Leites, Cecilia T Herbert, Felipe I Cignoli, Santiago Boari, Gabriel B. Mindlin |
Synchronous states in a model of the preforntal cortex | |
Antonio C Roque, Marcelo R S Rempel |
Minimal Neural Motifs Explain Cross-Frequency Directionality and Gamma- Theta Interactions in hippocampus | |
Claudio Mirasso |
Symposium: Hamiltonian description applied to confined fusion plasmas
Hamiltonian Description of Magnetic Field Lines: From the Variational Principle to Applications in Toroidal Plasmas | |
Michele Mugnaine |
The impact of the E x B drift in the particle transport of tokamak plasmas | |
Luis Fernando Bernardi de Souza, Iberê Luiz Caldas, Ricardo Egydio de Carvalho |
Escape of particles and sticky orbits in a toroidal plasma | |
Leonardo Costa Souza |
Hamiltonian Approach to Transport in Tokamak Plasmas | |
Lucas Nedeff Assub Amaral |
Symposium: Time series analysis and ML to forecast extreme events
Fátima Elis Cruziniani |
Antonio Marcos Batista |
The use of entropy of recurrence microstates and artificial intelligence to detect cardiac arrhythmia in ECG records | |
Elbert E N Macau |
Symposium: Transient dynamics in complex systems
State-dependent vulnerability of synchronized states in ecological networks | |
Everton Santos Medeiros |
Supertransient Chaos in a Single and Coupled Liénard Systems | |
Tomasz Kapitaniak |
Phase synchronization in a sparse network of randomly connected neurons under the effect of Poissonian spike inputs | |
Elbert E N Macau |
Transients versus network interactions give rise to multistability through trapping mechanism | |
Kalel Luiz Rossi |
Ghost scaffolds guiding long transients in natural systems | |
Aneta Koseska |
Exploring the unpredictable: Understanding basins of attraction in delayed systems | |
Juan Pedro Tarigo |