Open Conference Systems, StatPhys 27 Main Conference

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A dumbbell model as a self-propelled particle
Oscar Andrés Paredes Altuve, Felipe Barra

##manager.scheduler.building##: Edificio Santa Maria Auditorio San Agustin
Date: 2019-07-10 12:00 PM – 03:45 PM
Last modified: 2019-06-14


The self-propelled particles take energy from the environment and break some symmetry to move on a fluid.  Bacteria, like E Coli,  breaks time-reversal symmetry of hydrodynamics equations, Janus particles break the spacial symmetry with its two different faces.In this sense we propose a model of two particles A-B joined by harmonic potential (a dumbbell), they are immersed in a bath of small Lenard-Jones particles.An asymmetry is introduced changing the interaction energy parameter of particle A and a change in the Mean Square Displacement is observed. Moreover, an external mechanism that forces the oscillation of the dumbbell is included, to improve the self-propelled behavior. From this model is possible to make a thermodynamics analysis  using theHamiltonian of the system and stochastic thermodynamics framework.