Topic 1: General and mathematical aspects
Statistical properties of Hamiltonian systems at negative absolute temperatures | |
Marco Baldovin, Andrea Puglisi, Angelo Vulpiani |
Efficient and universal learning of Gibbs distributions | |
Marc Vuffray, Sidhant Misra, Andrey Lokhov |
Topic 2: Out-of-equilibrium aspects
Current-mediated synchronization of a pair of beating non-identical flagella | |
Victor Dotsenko, Anna Maciolek, Gleb Oshanin, Oleg Vasilyev, Siegfried Dietrich |
Large Fluctuations in anomalous transport and the Big Jump Principle | |
Raffaella Burioni, Alessandro Vezzani, Eli Barkai |
Phase transitions of self-propelled particles with memory | |
Matthieu Labousse, Maxime Hubert, Stéphane Perrard, Nicolas Vandewalle, Yves Couder |
Study of Non-equilibrium Transport Problems through Exclusion Processes | |
Atul Kumar Verma, Arvind Kumar Gupta |
Out-of-equilibrium bidirectional transport processes with constrained entrances competing for limited resources | |
Atul Kumar Verma, Arvind Kumar Gupta |
Path integral formalism for multiplicative noise stochastic processes | |
Zochil Gonzalez Arenas, Daniel Gustavo Barci, Miguel Vera Moreno |
Non-equilibrium Generalized Langevin Equations | |
Hugues Meyer, Thomas Voigtmann, Tanja Schilling |
Topic 3: Quantum fluids and condensed matter
Cooling by Quantum Measurements | |
Alessandro Cuccoli, Lorenzo Buffoni, Andrea Solfanelli, Paola Verrucchi, Michele Campisi |
Field induced topological phases in the kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction | |
Martin Emilio Villalba, Flavia Gomez Albarracin, Hector Diego Rosales, Daniel Cabra |
Onsager Vortices at Negative Temperatures | |
Tapio Simula, Rahil Valani, Philip Starkey, Christopher Billington, Shaun Johnstone, Andrew Groszek, David Paganin, Matthew Davis, Kristian Helmerson |
Topic 4: Disordered and glassy systems
Solvable Models of Supercooled Liquids at the Avoided Mode-Coupling-Theory Transition | |
Tommaso Rizzo, Thomas Voigtmann |
Amorphous plasticity: from atomic to mesoscopic scale | |
Damien Vandembroucq, Botond Tyukodi, Armand Barbot, Matthias Lerbinger, Anaël Lemaître, Sylvain Patinet |
Top eigenpair statistics for weighted sparse graphs | |
Pierpaolo Vivo, Vito Antonio Rocco Susca, Reimer Kuehn |
Magnetic critical behavior, magneto-caloric response and magneto-transport phenomena in Fe- Co-based metallic glasses | |
Andrés Rosales-Rivera, Rafael Felipe González-Sánchez, Abilo Velásquez-Salazar, Jessica López-Tabares, Nicolás Antonio Salazar-Henao, Juan Carlos Hernández-Parra, Diego Fernando Gómez-Montoya, Fabio Daniel Saccone |
Emergent dimerization and localization in disordered quantum chains | |
Andre Vieira, José Abel Hoyos |
Topic 5: Biological physics
Dynamics of sedimenting active Brownian particles | |
Jérémy Vachier |
Juliana Reves Szemere, Alejandra Cristina Ventura, Rocio Celeste Balderrama, Constanza Sanchez de La Vega |
Model for Run and Tumble motion and regulatory mechanism of enteric flagellated bacteria | |
Guido Fier, Lautaro Vassallo, David Hansmann, Ruben Carlos Buceta |
Federico Sevlever, Juan Pablo Di Bella, Alejandra Cristina Ventura |
Light dependent cellular motility induces pattern forma- tion in confinement | |
Jérémy Vachier |
Studying the limitations of Michaelis Menten approximation to describe the response to pulsatile inputs | |
Juliana Reves Szemere, Alejandra Cristina Ventura, Horacio Rotstein |
Kinetic model for the cell folate cycle | |
David Hipólito Margarit, Alexei Vazquez |
Robustness in spatially driven bistability in signaling systems | |
Juan Ignacio Marrone, Débora Tenenbaum, Hernán E. Grecco, Alejandra C. Ventura |
An adaptive gravity model for interactions in insect swarms | |
Dan Gorbonos, James Puckett, Kasper van der Vaart, Rui Ni, Michael Sinhuber, Nicholas T. Ouellette, Nir Gov |
Topic 6: Soft matter
Line tension of domains in phospholipid monolayers | |
Luis Mederos, Enrique Velasco |
Role of ion-specific steric and hydration interactions on the differential capacitance of an electrical double layer | |
Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Daniel Lucas Zago Caetano, Sylvio May, Sidney Jurado de Carvalho |
Evolution of instabilities in buckling processes | |
Alejandro G. Monastra, M. Florencia Carusela, Guido van del Velde, M. Verónica D'Angelo, Luciana Bruno |
Diffusion and chemotaxis in a models of bacteria with non-Poissonian dynamics | |
Andrea Angélica Villa Torrealba, Rodrigo Soto |
Collective Motion of Active Brownian Particles at High Densities | |
Thomas Voigtmann, Alexander Liluashvili, Julian Reichert, Suvendu Mandal |
Micromechanical theory of strain-stiffening. | |
Carlos Javier Villarroel |
Pair formation in insect swarms driven by adaptive long-range interactions | |
Dan Gorbonos, James Puckett, Kasper van der Vaart, Michael Sinhuber, Nicholas T. Ouellette, Nir Gov |
Like charge attraction in a 1D colloid | |
Lucas Varela Álvarez |
Topic 8: Interdisciplinary and complex systems
Discriminative and generative machine learning for spin systems based on physically interpretable features | |
Corneel Casert, Kyle Mills, Jannes Nys, Jan Ryckebusch, Isaac Tamblyn, Tom Vieijra |
News sentiment analysis in the US and Japan using deep learning methods | |
Wataru Souma, Irena Vodenska, Hideaki Aoyama |
Landau-Ginzburg theory of cortical networks | |
Miguel A Muñoz, Raffaella Burioni, Serena di Santo, Pablo Villegas |
Comparative seismological risk zones by means of information theory and Shannon entropy | |
Eugenio E. Vogel, Felipe G. Brevis, Denisse Pasten, Víctot Muñoz, Rodrigo A. Miranda, Abraham C.-L Chian |
Using game theory approach to analyze the emergence of corruption in the in contracting by the public administration: The role of interaction groups size, public employees’ wages and control capacity by the state | |
Pablo Javier Valverde, Jaime Estuardo Fernández, Edwin Vladimir Buenaño, Juan Carlos González-Avella |
Brain anatomical connectivity in offspring of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease through graph theory | |
Stella Maris Sanchez, Gabriela De Pino, Hernan Bocaccio, Mariana Castro, Barbara Duarte-Abritta, Carolina Abulafia, Salvador Guinjoan, Mirta Villarreal |
Threshold q-voter opinion dynamics | |
Allan Rodrigues Vieira, Celia Anteneodo |
Avalanches of brain co-activation during sleep and wakefulness | |
Hernan Bocaccio, Stella Maris Sánchez, Gabriela De Pino, Mariana Nair Castro, Helmut Laufs, Mirta Villarreal, Enzo Tagliazucchi |
Evidence that criticality can make human cooperative groups more resistant to invasions | |
Daniele Vilone, John Realpe-Gómez, Giulia Andrighetto |
Trade-offs between cost and precision and their impact on the aging of dynamical systems | |
Maximilian Voit, Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns |
Spatial and Network Effects in Distributed System Design | |
Andrei A. Klishin, David J. Singer, Greg van Anders |
Spreading of disease and information at different speeds in multiplex networks | |
Fatima Velasquez-Rojas, Paulo Cesar Ventura Da Silva, Colm Connaughton, Yamir Moreno, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Federico Vazquez |
Uncovering the behavior of quantum annealers with physics-inspired statistical learning | |
Andrey Lokhov, Yaroslav Kharkov, Carleton Coffrin, Marc Vuffray |
Interacting opinion and disease dynamics in multiplex networks: Discontinuous phase transition and nonmonotonic consensus times | |
Federico Vazquez, Fátima Velásquez-Rojas |
Plenary talks
Effective equations in complex systems: from Langevin to machine learning | |
Angelo Vulpiani |