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Scheduled Conference Title
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Topological snapshot analysis of the Lorenz convection model's random attractor Abstract
Gisela Daniela Charó, Denisse Sciamarella, Mickael Chekroun, Michael Ghil
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Topological transitions in oscillatory driven systems Abstract
Marcel Gabriel Clerc
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Topology and Dynamics in Active Matter Abstract
Cristina Marchetti
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Toulouse points and refermionization of the Kondo lattice model with electronic interactions Abstract
Tomas Sebastian Bortolin, Alejandro Martin Lobos, Nayana Shah, Carlos Jose Bolech, Anibal Iucci
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Towards the ultimate microscope: exploring the consequences of charge discontinuities at the nanoscale Abstract
Sara Dal Cengio, Anthony Robert Poggioli, Lydéric Bocquet
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Trade-off relation between energetic costs and precision of molecular motors and their transport efficiency Abstract
Changbong Hyeon
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Trade-offs between cost and precision and their impact on the aging of dynamical systems Abstract
Maximilian Voit, Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Transforming Generalized Ising Model into Boltzmann Machine Abstract
Nobuyuki Yoshioka, Yutaka Akagi, Hosho Katsura
Juliana Reves Szemere, Alejandra Cristina Ventura, Rocio Celeste Balderrama, Constanza Sanchez de La Vega
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Transient magnetic domain wall AC dynamics studied by MOKE imaging Abstract
Pablo Exequiel Domenichini, Cynthia Quinteros, Mara Granada, Sophie Collin, Jean Marie George, Javier Curiale, Sebastian Bustingorry, Maria Gabriela Capeluto, Gabriela Pasquini
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Transient Quantum Processes toward Classical Structure - Through squeezed state and coherent state - Abstract
Masahiro Morikawa
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Transition in relaxation paths in allosteric molecules: enzymatic kinetically constrained model Abstract
Tetsuhiro S Hatakeyama, Kunihiko Kaneko
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Transport of colloids along a wiggling channel Abstract
Andrea Soledad Gotting, Maria Florencia Carusela, Paolo Malgaretti, José Miguel Rubi
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Transport phenomena in a coupled ratchet model with fluctuating interactions Abstract
Elías Mérida, Marcela Veronica Reale, Lilia Romanelli
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Transport Phenomena of a Polymer in a Ratchet Potential Abstract
Marcela Veronica Reale
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Transporting flexible cargoes along microtubules: a 2D model Abstract
Agustina Fernández Casafuz, Luciana Bruno
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Tumor aggressiveness relates to jamming dynamics in epithelial monolayers Abstract
Paulo Casagrande Godolphim, Bibiana Matte, Aline Lütz, Gilberto Thomas, Rita de Almeida, Marcelo Lamers, Leonardo Brunnet
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Tunable Mass Separation via Negative Mobility Abstract
Jakub Spiechowicz
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Two universality classes of the Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model with CO desorption via time-dependent Monte Carlo simulations Abstract
Henrique Almeida Fernandes, Roberto da Silva, Alinne Borges Bernardi
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Two-amplitudes traveling Chimera in a ring of coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators system with shift of close neighbors and additional diffusive coupling Abstract
Guy Blondeau Soh, Patrick Louodop, Robert Tchitnga, Paul Woafo, Hilda A Cerdeira
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Uncovering the behavior of quantum annealers with physics-inspired statistical learning Abstract
Andrey Lokhov, Yaroslav Kharkov, Carleton Coffrin, Marc Vuffray
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Uniqueness of the quasi-stationary distribution of the subcritical contact process Abstract
Franco Arrejoria, Pablo Groisman, Leonardo Rolla
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Universal behaviors of low temperature thermal properties for ordered and disordered solids, and amorphous materials. Abstract
Andrzej S. Jezowski, Alexander I. Krivchikov, Michael A. Strzhemechny
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Universal interface fluctuations for absorbing-state phase transitions Abstract
Yohsuke T. Fukai, Keiichi Tamai, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tetsuya Hiraiwa
StatPhys 27 Main Conference Universal law for distribution of records Abstract
Jaan Kalda
651 - 675 of 691 Items << < 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 > >>