Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

General and mathematical aspects

Study of phase diagram for the two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with dipolar interactions
Paula Silvina Pagliaro, Marisa Alejandra Bab, Gustavo Pablo Saracco

Out-of-equilibrium aspects

Spherical Clusters of Magnetic Monodomain Nanoparticles: Effects of Dipolar Interactions on Hysteresis Loops
Mauro Alan Pérsico, Gustavo Pablo Saracco, Marisa Alejandra Bab

Soft matter

Construction of an enclosure for the study of pressure in evacuations of self-propelled particles
Matias Ramdan Ferressini, Nicolas Jose Colantuono, German Aguistin Patterson
Heat flow through a liquid-vapor interface in a nano-channel: the effect of fixing polymers in a wall
Claudio Pastorino
Collective behavior of Self-Propelled Particles: Influence of Leadership on Decision-Making
German Agustin Patterson

Nonlinear physics

Recurrence Microstates Combined with Machine Learning Techniques for Dynamical Systems Classification
Giovana Spader Spezzatto, João Vitor Flauzino, Gilberto Corso, Bruno Boaretto, Elbert Macau, Thiago de Lima Prado, Sergio Roberto Lopes
Analysis of Mutual Information in Neuronal Rhythms for the Identification of Preictal States in Epilepsy Patients
Monserrat Pallares Di Nunzio

Interdisciplinary and complex systems

Dynamics of word communities
Alejandro Jorge Pardo Pintos, Marcos Trevisan, Diego Edgar Shalom, Gabriel Mindlin
Polarization without negative influence in a simple persuasive argument theory model.
Lucía Inés Pedraza, Nicolás Saintier, Celia Anteneodo, Juan Pablo Pinasco, Pablo Balenzuela
Analysis of social behavior in mice using calcium imaging of neurons
Hellen Cristina da Costa, Thiago de Lima Prado, Cláudio da Cunha
Evaluating the Relationship Between News Sharing and Political Beliefs
Sebastián Pinto
Time varying parameters and pharmacokinetics in Whole Brain Models
Juan Ignacio Piccinini, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Carla Pallavicini, Enzo Tagliazucchi
Enhancing Real-Time Air Quality Modeling: A Machine Learning Approach to Downscale WRF-Chem
Lucas Luciano Berná, Rafael Pedro Fernandez, Emmanuel Nicolas Millan, Enrique Puliafito

Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics

Study of Lu-Hamilton solar flares with complex networks
Alejandro Ignacio Zamorano, Víctor Muñoz, Denisse Pastén, Laura Morales
On the relevance of two-way coupling on charged particle energization
Facundo Leonel Pugliese
Observational and Numerical Evidence of the 1/f Spectrum in Pristine Solar Wind Turbulence
Maia Brodiano, Facundo Pugliese, Davide Manzini, Nahuel Andrés, Lina Hadid, Fouad sahraoui, Pablo Dmitruk

Symposium: Nonlinear analysis and applications in complex systems

New Perspectives in Recurrence Microstates and Maximum Entropy Analysis
Thiago de Lima Prado

Symposium: Collective systems under different boundary conditions

The role of rotational motion on energy transfer and dissipation in the collision of a faceted particle with a flat surface
María Alejandra Aguirre, Fabricio Éric Fernández, Roman Gustavo Martino, Alejandro Boschan, Marcelo Fabián Piva
Flow Characteristics of Self-Propelled and Actively Deformable Particles
Daniel Ricardo Parisi, Lucas Wiebke
Granular damper: a design with quasi-constant dissipation
María Victoria Ferreyra, Kevin Gabriel Tomás, Ramiro Eloy Suarez, Julián María Gómez-Paccapelo, Luis Ariel Pugnaloni