Plenary talks
Experimental evidence of nonlinear scenario of transition to turbulence | |
José Eduardo WESFREID |
Biological physics
Methods for inferring force patterns acting on semiflexible filaments | |
Alejandro G. Monastra, Anael Zurdo, Agustina Fernandez Casafuz, Azul Brigante, Julieta Wenger, María Cecilia De Rossi, Mariela Sued, Marina Valdora, Luciana Bruno |
In search of the lost sync: non-linearly coupled oscillators’ response to an external driving | |
Marcos Wappner |
Interdisciplinary and complex systems
Network topologies able to permanently recall a transient stimulation | |
Federico Sevlever, Ariel Waisman, Alejandra Cristina Ventura |
Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics
Dynamics of the Self Sustaining Process in the transition to turbulence in Couette-Poiseuille flow. | |
Manuel Etchevest, Pablo Dmitruk, Supriya Karmakar, Tao Liu, Benoit Semin, Ramiro Godoy-Diana, José Eduardo Wesfreid |
Symposium: Collective systems under different boundary conditions
Flow Characteristics of Self-Propelled and Actively Deformable Particles | |
Daniel Ricardo Parisi, Lucas Wiebke |