Presentations and Authors

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Plenary talks

Experimental evidence of nonlinear scenario of transition to turbulence
José Eduardo WESFREID

Biological physics

Methods for inferring force patterns acting on semiflexible filaments
Alejandro G. Monastra, Anael Zurdo, Agustina Fernandez Casafuz, Azul Brigante, Julieta Wenger, María Cecilia De Rossi, Mariela Sued, Marina Valdora, Luciana Bruno
In search of the lost sync: non-linearly coupled oscillators’ response to an external driving
Marcos Wappner

Interdisciplinary and complex systems

Network topologies able to permanently recall a transient stimulation
Federico Sevlever, Ariel Waisman, Alejandra Cristina Ventura

Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics

Dynamics of the Self Sustaining Process in the transition to turbulence in Couette-Poiseuille flow.
Manuel Etchevest, Pablo Dmitruk, Supriya Karmakar, Tao Liu, Benoit Semin, Ramiro Godoy-Diana, José Eduardo Wesfreid

Symposium: Collective systems under different boundary conditions

Flow Characteristics of Self-Propelled and Actively Deformable Particles
Daniel Ricardo Parisi, Lucas Wiebke