Plenary talks
Musical Synchronization and the Mystery of Swing in Jazz | |
Theo Geisel |
Climate network analysis methods and results: El Niño, La Niña and Tropical Cyclones. | |
Neelima Madhukar Gupte |
Emergence of innovations and accumulation of culture in Hunter-gatherer populations | |
Jesus Gomez-Gardenes |
General and mathematical aspects
Pablo Antonio Grizzi, Gustavo Pablo Saracco, Marisa Alejandra Bab |
Out-of-equilibrium aspects
Mean-field solution of the neural dynamics in a Greenberg-Hastings model with excitatory and inhibitory units | |
Joaquin Almeira, Tomas S. Grigera, Daniel A. Martin, Dante R. Chialvo, Sergio A. Cannas |
Biological physics
Cell information processing via frequency encoding and excitability. | |
Alan Matías Givré |
Morphological characterisation of Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS aggregates for bioremediation processes | |
Andrea Soledad Gotting, M. Alejandra Daniel, Natalia Beraha, Diana L. Vullo, M. Florencia Carusela |
Crosstalk between Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Pluripotency through Gene Regulatory Networks | |
Daniela Senra, Luis Diambra, Nara Guisoni |
From Individual-Based Models to Mean-Field Equations: Non-Linear Cross-Diffusion in a Three-Species Predator-Prey System | |
Daniela Lioren Suarez, María Fabiana Laguna, Nara Cristina Guisoni |
Physical constraints in avian respiration | |
Facundo Fainstein, Sebastián M. Geli, Ana Amador, Franz Goller, Gabriel B. Mindlin |
Computational modelling of memory coding with a dynamic neural network | |
Marta Boscaglia, Chiara Gastaldi, Wulfram Gerstner, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga |
Modeling and experimental approaches of bacterial aggregation: the case of Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS | |
Natalia Beraha, Alejandra Daniel, Andrea Gotting, Diana Vullo, Florencia Carusela |
Soft matter
Probing wetting properties with self-propelled droplets. | |
Bernardo Boatini, Cristina Gavazzoni, Leonardo Gregory Brunnet, Carolina Brito |
Nonlinear physics
MHD convection in rotating spherical shell | |
Juan Cruz Gonzalez Sembla |
Interdisciplinary and complex systems
Point process analysis of geographical diffusion of news in Argentina | |
Lucio Lorenzo Garcia, Giulio Tirabassi, Cristina Masoller, Pablo Balenzuela |
Turing patterns in a biosynthetic circuit | |
Luis Diambra, Nara Guisoni |
Can Fomites Act as Outbreak Triggers? A Mean-Field Analysis of Indirect Transmission Dynamics | |
Tomás Ignacio González, María Fabiana Laguna, Guillermo Abramson |
Reducing Inequality through Risk Control in the Yard-Sale Model | |
Lautaro Giordano |
Symmetry Breaking in Chemical Systems: Engineering Complexity through Self-Organization and Marangoni Flows | |
Azam Gholami |
Quantization Phenomenon in a 2-Dim Sznajd Model | |
Nicolás Elías Amado, Marcos Enrique Gaudiano, Jorge Alberto Revelli |
Mapping the complexity in an opinion formation model. | |
Jorge Alberto Revelli, Nicolás Elías Amado, Marcos Enrique Gaudiano |
One predator and two prey: Coexistence of pumas, guanacos and sheep in Patagonia | |
Jhordan Silveira de Borba, Sebastián Gonçalves |
Does a rising tide lift all boats? A wealth exchange model on a dynamic network with economic growth | |
Gustavo Luis Kohlrausch, Sebastián Gonçalves |
Patient transfer adaptation through a crisis: The dynamics of a Hospitals Network during the COVID-19 pandemic | |
Tomas Cicchini, Ariel Salgado, Lisandro Otero, Silvia Kochen, Mariano Goldman, Leonardo Boechi, Ines Caridi |
Transformers Architecture on Path Integration of Grid Cells | |
Mateus Guimaraes |
Planning the Electric Vehicle Transition by Integrating Spatial Information and Social Networks | |
Marta Gonzalez |
Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Neuronal Dynamics in Alzheimer's Disease: An Information Theory Perspective | |
Federico Miceli, Mauro Granado, Marcelo A Montemurro, Fernando Montani |
High-Resolution iEEG Reveals Key Periodicities and Nonlinear Dynamics in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy | |
Mauro Granado, Nataniel Martinez, Federico Miceli, Fernando Montani |
Receptive Field Modeling in V1 Visual Cortex: Plastic Restoration after Lesion Induction | |
Natalì Guisande, Fernando Montani |
Applications of the Rényi Entropy-Complexity Causality Space to Dynamical Systems | |
Natalí Guisande, Fernando Montani |
A multiscale framework for analyzing traffic congestion through infection spreading dynamics | |
Ariel Olaf Salgado, Aparimit Kasliwal, Abdullah Alhadlaq, Auroop Ratan Ganguly, Marta C. Gonzalez |
Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics
Arturo Olvera, Claudia Giordano |
Dynamics of the Self Sustaining Process in the transition to turbulence in Couette-Poiseuille flow. | |
Manuel Etchevest, Pablo Dmitruk, Supriya Karmakar, Tao Liu, Benoit Semin, Ramiro Godoy-Diana, José Eduardo Wesfreid |
Symposium: Understanding economic inequality
Effectiveness of tax systems in reducing inequality | |
Symposium: Collective systems under different boundary conditions
Granular damper: a design with quasi-constant dissipation | |
María Victoria Ferreyra, Kevin Gabriel Tomás, Ramiro Eloy Suarez, Julián María Gómez-Paccapelo, Luis Ariel Pugnaloni |