Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Plenary talks

Musical Synchronization and the Mystery of Swing in Jazz
Theo Geisel
Climate network analysis methods and results: El Niño, La Niña and Tropical Cyclones.
Neelima Madhukar Gupte
Emergence of innovations and accumulation of culture in Hunter-gatherer populations
Jesus Gomez-Gardenes

General and mathematical aspects

Pablo Antonio Grizzi, Gustavo Pablo Saracco, Marisa Alejandra Bab

Out-of-equilibrium aspects

Mean-field solution of the neural dynamics in a Greenberg-Hastings model with excitatory and inhibitory units
Joaquin Almeira, Tomas S. Grigera, Daniel A. Martin, Dante R. Chialvo, Sergio A. Cannas

Biological physics

Cell information processing via frequency encoding and excitability.
Alan Matías Givré
Morphological characterisation of Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS aggregates for bioremediation processes
Andrea Soledad Gotting, M. Alejandra Daniel, Natalia Beraha, Diana L. Vullo, M. Florencia Carusela
Crosstalk between Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Pluripotency through Gene Regulatory Networks
Daniela Senra, Luis Diambra, Nara Guisoni
From Individual-Based Models to Mean-Field Equations: Non-Linear Cross-Diffusion in a Three-Species Predator-Prey System
Daniela Lioren Suarez, María Fabiana Laguna, Nara Cristina Guisoni
Physical constraints in avian respiration
Facundo Fainstein, Sebastián M. Geli, Ana Amador, Franz Goller, Gabriel B. Mindlin
Computational modelling of memory coding with a dynamic neural network
Marta Boscaglia, Chiara Gastaldi, Wulfram Gerstner, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga
Modeling and experimental approaches of bacterial aggregation: the case of Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS
Natalia Beraha, Alejandra Daniel, Andrea Gotting, Diana Vullo, Florencia Carusela

Soft matter

Probing wetting properties with self-propelled droplets.
Bernardo Boatini, Cristina Gavazzoni, Leonardo Gregory Brunnet, Carolina Brito

Nonlinear physics

MHD convection in rotating spherical shell
Juan Cruz Gonzalez Sembla

Interdisciplinary and complex systems

Point process analysis of geographical diffusion of news in Argentina
Lucio Lorenzo Garcia, Giulio Tirabassi, Cristina Masoller, Pablo Balenzuela
Turing patterns in a biosynthetic circuit
Luis Diambra, Nara Guisoni
Can Fomites Act as Outbreak Triggers? A Mean-Field Analysis of Indirect Transmission Dynamics
Tomás Ignacio González, María Fabiana Laguna, Guillermo Abramson
Reducing Inequality through Risk Control in the Yard-Sale Model
Lautaro Giordano
Symmetry Breaking in Chemical Systems: Engineering Complexity through Self-Organization and Marangoni Flows
Azam Gholami
Quantization Phenomenon in a 2-Dim Sznajd Model
Nicolás Elías Amado, Marcos Enrique Gaudiano, Jorge Alberto Revelli
Mapping the complexity in an opinion formation model.
Jorge Alberto Revelli, Nicolás Elías Amado, Marcos Enrique Gaudiano
One predator and two prey: Coexistence of pumas, guanacos and sheep in Patagonia
Jhordan Silveira de Borba, Sebastián Gonçalves
Does a rising tide lift all boats? A wealth exchange model on a dynamic network with economic growth
Gustavo Luis Kohlrausch, Sebastián Gonçalves
Patient transfer adaptation through a crisis: The dynamics of a Hospitals Network during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tomas Cicchini, Ariel Salgado, Lisandro Otero, Silvia Kochen, Mariano Goldman, Leonardo Boechi, Ines Caridi
Transformers Architecture on Path Integration of Grid Cells
Mateus Guimaraes
Planning the Electric Vehicle Transition by Integrating Spatial Information and Social Networks
Marta Gonzalez
Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Neuronal Dynamics in Alzheimer's Disease: An Information Theory Perspective
Federico Miceli, Mauro Granado, Marcelo A Montemurro, Fernando Montani
High-Resolution iEEG Reveals Key Periodicities and Nonlinear Dynamics in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Mauro Granado, Nataniel Martinez, Federico Miceli, Fernando Montani
Receptive Field Modeling in V1 Visual Cortex: Plastic Restoration after Lesion Induction
Natalì Guisande, Fernando Montani
Applications of the Rényi Entropy-Complexity Causality Space to Dynamical Systems
Natalí Guisande, Fernando Montani
A multiscale framework for analyzing traffic congestion through infection spreading dynamics
Ariel Olaf Salgado, Aparimit Kasliwal, Abdullah Alhadlaq, Auroop Ratan Ganguly, Marta C. Gonzalez

Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics

Arturo Olvera, Claudia Giordano
Dynamics of the Self Sustaining Process in the transition to turbulence in Couette-Poiseuille flow.
Manuel Etchevest, Pablo Dmitruk, Supriya Karmakar, Tao Liu, Benoit Semin, Ramiro Godoy-Diana, José Eduardo Wesfreid

Symposium: Understanding economic inequality

Effectiveness of tax systems in reducing inequality

Symposium: Collective systems under different boundary conditions

Granular damper: a design with quasi-constant dissipation
María Victoria Ferreyra, Kevin Gabriel Tomás, Ramiro Eloy Suarez, Julián María Gómez-Paccapelo, Luis Ariel Pugnaloni