In addition to the talks by the plenary and invited speakers, StatPhys27 will hold the Boltzmann medal and the Young Scientist Award in Statistical Physics ceremonies. The recipients of these prizes will also deliver talks at the conference.
Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
Brandeis University, USA
University of Michigan, USA
Imperial College, UK
ENS Paris, France
University of California Santa Barbara, USA
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
University of Tokyo, Japan
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
UNAM Cuernavaca, Mexico
Tel Aviv University, Israel
PUC Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Queen Mary University, UK
Oxford University, UK
University of Queensland, Australia
UFMN, Brazil
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
UPF Barcelona, Spain
UNLP, Argentina
ETH, Switzerland
KIAS, Rep of Korea
Nagoya University, Japan
Rockefeller University, USA
CBM Madrid, Spain
SISSA, Italy
University of Postdam, Germany
IIT-Delhi, India
Cornell University, USA
ENS Lyon, France
IFISC, Spain
EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
Peking University, China
CAB, Argentina
IPhT, CEA Saclay, France