Presentations and Authors

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Plenary talks

What do we mean when we say, “it smells like flowers”?
Guillermo Cecchi
Neuronal Scaling in the Mouse Visual Cortex During a Visual Recognition Task
Mauro Copelli
Phase Transitions in Swarmalators
Hilda A Cerdeira
Localized dissipative vortices in chiral nematic liquid crystal cells
Marcel Clerc
Redshift: causality, determinism, reversibility, irreversibility, an Art & Science demonstration of time reversal
Jean Marc Chomaz

Out-of-equilibrium aspects

Mean-field solution of the neural dynamics in a Greenberg-Hastings model with excitatory and inhibitory units
Joaquin Almeira, Tomas S. Grigera, Daniel A. Martin, Dante R. Chialvo, Sergio A. Cannas
Thermal transport along a nanogap: a non equilibrium harmonic model.
Agustin Matias Mancardo Viotti, Edgar Alejamdro Bea, Maria Florencia Carusela, Alejandro Gabriel Monastra

Biological physics

Vagal tone echoes on the brain-sensed strength of single heartbeats
Diego Candia-Rivera, Mario Chavez
Morphological characterisation of Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS aggregates for bioremediation processes
Andrea Soledad Gotting, M. Alejandra Daniel, Natalia Beraha, Diana L. Vullo, M. Florencia Carusela
Low dimensional neural dynamics underlying the generation of rhythmic vocal behavior in songbirds
Fiamma L. Leites, Cecilia T. Herbert, Felipe I. Cignoli, Gabriel B. Mindlin, Ana Amador
Mathematical Models of the spread and prevention of infectious disease
Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco
Modeling and experimental approaches of bacterial aggregation: the case of Pseudomonas extremaustralis 2E-UNGS
Natalia Beraha, Alejandra Daniel, Andrea Gotting, Diana Vullo, Florencia Carusela

Soft matter

Construction of an enclosure for the study of pressure in evacuations of self-propelled particles
Matias Ramdan Ferressini, Nicolas Jose Colantuono, German Aguistin Patterson
Transport properties of electrolytes in corrugated microchannels.
María Florencia Carusela
Water-Methanol Separation via Graphene Nanotubes: Impact of Radius on Transport Efficiency
Santiago Mosca, Carlos Manuel Carlevaro, Enrique Lomba García

Nonlinear physics

The effect of local dynamics on the phase synchronization process in a neuron network
Emanuel Barbosa Sant Anna Cambraia
Bistability and mosaic-shrimps structures in the Gissinger model
Arnold Alonso Alvarez, Eduardo Brugnago, Iberê Caldas
Hyperchaos, Arnold tongues, and shrimps in a model of predator-induced reproductive response in prey population
Marina Soares Bittencourt, Eduardo Luís Brugnago, Zwinglio de Oliveira Guimarães Filho, Iberê Luiz Caldas, Adriane Reis Brugnago
Front Propagation in a Bistable Optical Chain with Nonreciprocal Coupling
Manuel Benjamin Díaz-Zúñiga, Pedro Aguilera Rojas, Marcel Clerc
Recurrence Microstates Combined with Machine Learning Techniques for Dynamical Systems Classification
Giovana Spader Spezzatto, João Vitor Flauzino, Gilberto Corso, Bruno Boaretto, Elbert Macau, Thiago de Lima Prado, Sergio Roberto Lopes
From Dynamics to Behavior: An Excitable Model for Reconstructing Respiratory Gestures of Birdsong
Agustin Carpio Andrada, Bernardo Gabriel Mindlin
Nonlocal self-organization of a dissipative system
Jaime Andrés Clark Pinto, Laura Morales, Sergio Rica, Juan Alejandro Valdivia

Interdisciplinary and complex systems

Analysis of vaccination strategies for COVID-19 based on complex networks
Carlos Miguel Moreira Gonçalves, Leandro Chaves Rêgo, Pablo Ignacio Fierens
Vaccination strategies though complex small world networks
Fernando Ezequiel Cornes, Guillermo Alberto Frank, Claudio Oscar Dorso
Combined study of the efficiency and robustness of the public transport network
Tomas Cicchini, Ariel Salgado, Leonardo Ermann, Ines Caridi
Quantifying Decisiveness and Complexity in Chess Players' Decision-Making
Andres Chacoma
Graph Neural Networks for Gene-Disease prioritization
Ingrid Heuer, Ariel Chernomoretz
Ideal gas law for a quantum particle
Alejandro M.F. Rivas, Gabriel G. Carlo, Leonardo Ermann, Eduardo G. Vergini
Accelerating Drug Repurposing Through Network Analysis and Protein Embeddings
Ariel Chernomoretz
Diversity levels in residential segregation through random walkers
Victoria Arcón, Inés Caridi
Dynamic Analysis of a Ricardian Economy with Inter-Industry Wage Variations
Ignacio Cortés
Patient transfer adaptation through a crisis: The dynamics of a Hospitals Network during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tomas Cicchini, Ariel Salgado, Lisandro Otero, Silvia Kochen, Mariano Goldman, Leonardo Boechi, Ines Caridi
On the application of visibility graphs in the spectral domain for speaker recognition
Hernan Bocaccio, Sergio Iglesias-Perez, Miguel Romance, Regino Criado, Gabriel Mindlin
Paths out of informality: using network science and household surveys to study job transitions
Ariel Olaf Salgado, Qixin Lin, Angelica Calle, Oscar Lopez Mendez, Ryan Yost

Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics

Reduced Representations of Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Flows via Autoencoders
Melisa Yael Vinograd, Patricio Clark di Leoni
Energy balance in a microfluidic hotspot cooling heat sink
Lucas Gabriel Chej, Florencia Carusela, Alejandro Monastra
Transition to turbulence in Rayleigh-Benard flows
Patricio Clark Di Leoni
Machine Learning algorithms for analyzing the relationship between disasters and welfare policies
Renata Ribeiro dos Santos, Norma Felicidade Lopes da Silva Valencio, Heloisa de Arruda Camargo

Symposium: Anisotropic avanlanche models for solar flares

Chaotic diffusion in a triaxial galactic model: an example of global stable chaos
Pablo Miguel Cincotta
Field Theory Methods for Non-Newtonian and Relativistic Turbulence
Esteban Calzetta

Symposium: Nonlinear analysis and applications in complex systems

Spatio-temporal correlations in optogenetic data
Sabrina Camargo

Symposium: Neuronal synchronization and brain collective behavior

Neural oscillations, synchronization and rhythms in birdsong
Ana Amador, Fiamma L Leites, Cecilia T Herbert, Felipe I Cignoli, Santiago Boari, Gabriel B. Mindlin

Symposium: Hamiltonian description applied to confined fusion plasmas

The impact of the E x B drift in the particle transport of tokamak plasmas
Luis Fernando Bernardi de Souza, Iberê Luiz Caldas, Ricardo Egydio de Carvalho

Symposium: Time series analysis and ML to forecast extreme events

Fátima Elis Cruziniani